Thanks to support from the Bell True Patriot Love Fund, the Pacific Assistance Dogs Society (PADS) has been able to expand its PTSD Service Dog program, allowing them to match more individuals with highly trained service dogs. Service dogs can be instrumental in transforming lives, helping Veterans and first responders living with PTSD regain their independence and reconnect with their communities.

It takes a village to raise a puppy

PADS is a fully accredited member of Assistance Dogs International and its comprehensive training program is more than 90% volunteer-driven. Volunteer puppy-raisers take a young, rambunctious puppy and mold them into a capable assistance dog candidate ready to enter Advanced Training.

Puppy-raisers and puppies are assigned to a cohort led by a trainer. In most cases, the team will stay in this cohort throughout the puppy’s time in puppy-raising. This allows puppy-raisers to develop a community, be supported by the same trainer and have continuity of care, with trainers developing a good understanding of a puppy’s struggles and strengths over time.

Puppy-raising is a full-time volunteer opportunity, with weekly puppy class instruction to help the raiser and puppy grow their skills. Training support, including one-to-one training is available, as well as scheduled assessments to track the puppy and puppy-raiser’s progress and provide Individual Education Plans (IEPs) to focus on areas where the puppy or team is struggling.

PADS’ commitment to their service dogs, and their 360-support of both volunteers and PTSD program participants make a powerful difference.

Lives Changed: Joe & Turtle

True Patriot Love has shared the inspiring story of Joe and his PTSD Service Dog, Turtle, who were teamed up in summer 2023. Joe served with the Canadian Armed Forces for 17 years, including deployments to Cambodia and Bosnia.

After sustaining injuries and retiring from the CAF, Joe struggled with the symptoms of PTSD, often feeling unsafe in public places and unable to do everyday tasks. Being teamed with Turtle was a life-changer for Joe, enabling him to re-engage with friends and participate in activities that he enjoyed. He recently he provided an update.

“Turtle and I are inseparable, and every day just gets better and better,” he says. “He has been the best gift.”

Over the past year, Turtle has become an essential part of Joe’s daily life, providing steadfast support in challenging environments and helping him rebuild meaningful connections with his family and community. Their partnership is a powerful testament to the life-changing impact of these service dogs.

Healing with Honour

In April 2024, thanks in part to the funding from the Bell True Patriot Love Fund, PADS’ PTSD Program team partnered with the Honour House Society to host a PTSD Service Dog Team retreat at Honour Ranch in Ashcroft, BC. This unique experience provided PTSD Program graduates and their PADS service dogs the opportunity to benefit from the tranquil and secure environment. PADS will continue offering this impactful program in the coming year, ensuring even more teams can access this invaluable retreat.

Powerful Partners

PADS’ commitment is to not only provide a service dog but to help build a community for those living with PTSD. PADS stays in touch via text, telephone and in-person connections with clients, as well as training follow-ups.

Thanks to the support of the Bell True Patriot Love Fund and donors like you, PADS PTSD Service Dog Program is able to provide service dogs to Veterans living with PTSD at no cost. Thank you!