Why We Need You

Learn more about why we do what we do.
Currently there are over 461,000+ Veterans and families in Canada. Every year, about 5,000 military personnel leave the service and join them.
68,000 regular force military families are posted in Canada, with more than half under the age of 35 and half with children.
Over 461,000 + Veterans and their families currently live in Canada, many of whom are impacted by challenges related to transitioning to civilian life.
2,500 military personnel are medically released each year, with approximately 700 spouses and 900 children also impacted.
60% of medically released military personnel have permanent physical limitations.
13% of CAF personnel were diagnosed with a mental disorder attributable to Afghanistan deployment four years later.
Children from military families experience double the rate of mental health issues compared to children from civilian families.

Now it's time we had theirs

Whether they are facing healthcare challenges, their families need support, or they are seeking to transition to civilian life, it’s our responsibility to make sure their needs are met.

By accepting that responsibility and giving generously, Canadians can find their own ways to serve. We are a stronger, more inclusive country when Canadians give back to those who have given everything.

On occasions like Remembrance Day, Canadians come together to honour the contributions and sacrifices of our many brave soldiers and Veterans. But, often, as the poppies worn over our hearts begin to disappear, so does the attention to the ongoing service-related challenges of our nation’s military community.

Supporting stronger military families, as spouses, caregivers, children, and youth are called upon to make profound sacrifices along with their loved ones

Prioritizing well-being, by investing in mental health and transition programs amongst others

Improving the rehabilitation and recovery journey through the power of sport, expeditions, and alternative therapies

Providing resources to organizations that foster connection with communities, whether it be through mentorship, volunteerism, or advocacy

Every dollar donated helps us change the lives of more serving military members, Veterans and their families.