Working with CIMVHR to Bring About Cutting-Edge Research

With the support of donors across the country, True Patriot Love has developed a long term partnership with the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR). Our commitment of $5 million to support the development of cutting-edge research and program evaluation will improve the health outcomes for Canadian military personnel, Veterans, and their families. This funding represents a matched gift from the Government of Canada.  

The partnership aims to ensure our funds are dispersed in a way that will have the greatest impact, with an evidence based approach. This partnership also strengthens the dissemination of actionable knowledge between government partners, CIMVHR’s network of academic and university researchers, and other key stakeholders, ensuring that research can be rapidly translated into practice, policymaking, program development and implementation.  

One recently funded project includes the Couple HOPES project, created by lead researcher Dr. Candice Monson out of Ryerson University. Couple HOPES is a guided online self-help intervention adapted from Cognitive-Behavioural Conjoint Therapy for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that aims to improve PTSD and enhance relationship satisfaction. 

We’re also proud supporters of the annual CIMVHR Forum, which was presented virtually last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and with hopes of returning to an in person format in Fall of 2022. This includes funding the annual Major Sir Frederick Banting Award that recognizes high quality Canadian research that addresses military health issues.  

“CIMVHR and True Patriot Love share similar values in recognizing the contributions and addressing military personnel, Veterans, and their families’ unique needs. High-quality evidence is essential in defining requirements, building solutions, and confirming real-world impact,” says David Pedlar, PhD, Scientific Director, CIMVHR.

True Patriot Love is grateful for the work of all those at CIMVHR, and their dedication for helping improve the lives of Veterans, military personnel and their families across Canada. 

Since the inception of this partnership, we’ve funded 19 other cutting edge research projects. See below.

  • Bionic Limbs for Improved Nautral Control (BLINC)
  • Using fMRI machine learning as a predictor of PTSD phenotype and treatment outcomes among treatment-seeking CAF members, veterans, and civilians
  • After the War: Investigating 20th Century Post-Conflict Re-Establishment and Rehabilitation Best Practices to Empower 21st Century Veterans
  • Defining the Longitudinal Course, Outcomes and Treatment Needs of Vulnerable Canadians with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Exploring the Experiences of Adult Children of CAF Veterans: Implications for Program and Policy Development
  • LeveRaging routinEly collected heAlth data to enhanCe veteran and family Health (REACH)
  • Outcomes and Treatment Needs of Vulnerable Canadians with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  • Project Trauma Support: Addressing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Moral Injury in Military Members at risk of Medical Release
  • Safe Harbour for Military, Veteran and Family Health Research Data
  • Soutien en santé mentale aux familles militaires et aux vétérans du Québec : une étude de faisabilité
  • The implementation of remotely supervised home-based intensive exercise interventions to improve balance, mobility and physical activity for military who suffered a moderate or severe traumatic brain injury
  • Understanding the experience of parents caregiving for adult veterans injured through service
  • Workplace Well-Being of CAF members and DND personnel
  • Addressing Moral Injury in Canadian Armed Forces Personnel: A Mixed Methods Pilot of Adaptive Disclosure Therapy
  • Contribution of Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology to the Establishment and Maintenance of Chronic Pain
  • Impact of sexual trauma during military service on Canadian female-identifying military members and veterans
  • Initial Testing of a Guided, Internet-delivered Couple Intervention for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Relationship Enhancement: Couple HOPES
  • Leveraging Technology to Improve Mental Health Outcomes: Machine Learning Analysis of Homewood Post-Traumatic Stress Recovery (PTSR) Unit Clinical Database and University of Western Ontario PTSD Research Unit Data
  • Sharing of Military Veterans’ Mental Health Data Across Canada: A Scoping Review